Hello, my name is Adrienne Beatty.
I live in Wilmington, NC and am the proud momma of four amazing kids (who are 8, 6, 4 and 1). I am the president and founder of Sleep Joy Pediatric Sleep Consulting and am a certified pediatric sleep specialist. I am committed to helping parents teach their children independent sleep skills and healthy sleep habits.
I remember.
I remember with all three of my young children being scared, sleep deprived, feeling isolated in my journey and overwhelmed. I remember missing my husband and the way things used to be before our sleepless nights. I remember second-guessing myself and trying all sorts of things and paying all amounts of money to get my babies to sleep.
Then I remember the first time they slept through the night. I remember racing into their room and watching their belly rise and fall to ensure they were still alive and the incredible feeling of victory. I remember rejoicing and that I had conquered the world, and there was no greater JOY than having that first night of full SLEEP.
This is how Sleep Joy was created. I want you to have rest and joy back in your home… along with a happy baby or kiddo!
As a nationally certified Sleep Sense™ pediatric sleep consultant, I am serving families virtually worldwide to teach their babies and children to sleep well and to bring joy back in their home. I work with ages newborn to 7 years old.
Sleep Philosophy
Good sleep is a right for all people. Sleep is essential for health and wellness, the ability to learn and retain new knowledge, to restore the body and build up your immune system and for overall joy of life. Though sleep is natural and necessary for living, it is also a skill that must be taught early and sometimes revisited throughout life. Sleep Joy seeks to partner with you to give your child the ability to sleep independently, confidently and soundly. I will take a gentle approach from the Sleep Sense™ national certified program that includes your presence in the process so you’re always responding to the child’s needs without encouraging external dependencies to soothe them to sleep.
Let’s talk crying.
For babies and toddlers, crying is an expression and form of communication — as they do not fully have the verbal skills to tell you what they need or how they feel. Crying is how babies were created to communicate needs. Crying is healthy. The Sleep Joy philosophy embraces crying as a form of communication. A Sleep Joy sleep plan is grounded in understanding and responding to the child’s cries while training them to soothe and sleep independently.